Super Blood Wolf Moon over Frankfurt

21st January 2019


This early morning I used the wonderful opportunity to photograpgh the Super Blood Wolf Moon (Super Blutmond in German). The reddish color of the moon appeared due to the total lunar eclipse. Based on it's color it is also called blood moon. This happens as Earth is getting between sun and moon and Earth's shadow limits light to reach the moon. But this morning it came together with another phenomenon called a supermoon. This is when the moon is a bit closer to Earth then normal and thus appears bigger than usual. Both phenomenons coming together at the same time don't happen that often - in fact the next one to be visible over Germany will not be before 2037 so I am even happier that I didn't miss it.


Compared to the lunar eclipse in summer 2018 we had perfect weather conditions over Frankfurt - a clear, cloud-free sky allowing to take beautiful photographs. Unfortunately such a clear sky over Germany on a very early January morning (I started taking pictures at around 4:50 am) comes with an unpleasant side effect - it was freezing cold outside (it was around -7° Celsius). But the spectacular view on this phenomenon made me almost forget the cold (until I returned back home and realized I can't really hold my cup of coffee as my fingers were still stiff from the cold). 


Below some more photos of this beautiful late night/early morning photo shooting. Hope you like them.





Dusk is falling over Darmstadt

Flying saucers
Flying saucers

Went for a walk in Darmstadt on one of the first warmer springdays this year and got inspired to take some photos of the beautiful square and architecture around the theater. 

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Portrait Workshop by the Canon Academy and WhiteWall Munich

Sorina Kiefer, Portrait Photography Workshop by Whitewall Munich ( and Canon Academy ( run by Petra Selbertinger (, Photo by Athanasios Pamboris
Sorina Kiefer, Munich 11/2016

Last November I decided to join a Portrait Workshop run by Whitewall Munich and the Canon Academy which was run by Petra Selbertinger. Petra did not only gave us really good tipps and tricks and let us try out high class Canon equipment, she also had organised a wonderful and beautiful model - Sorina Kiefer. My most favorite photos out of this session you'll find here. If you want to see even m0re photos of this workshop just go to my People Photography Section.


A big thank you to Petra, the Whitewall team, Canon for having the Academy workshops and last but not least Sorina for being really patient with us "beginners" :-)




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A walk in the park

Went for a walk last Sunday along the river before sun set. Here are some impressions of that beautiful evening walk

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